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As the source of central heating & hot water, a functional boiler is much needed to any Clapham home – especially during the colder months. While some typical boiler issues can be resolved without the help of a heating engineer, other will need the helping hand of a qualified professional who expertise in boiler repairs in Clapham.

No heat or hot water:

Possible causes include busted diaphragms & airlocks, malfunctioning of motorized valves, problems with the thermostat or low water level. A good place to begin is to verify if your boiler isn’t functioning due to a problem with the boiler pressure or your thermostat.

If you believe you may have a busted airlock, diaphragm or valve it may have to be replaced with a new part. We advocate calling a Gas Safe registered engineer who’s capable of thoroughly diagnosing the issue & replace any malfunctioning components where needed.

Leaking & dripping:

A wide range of problems could make your boiler system to leak water. It’ll rely on where the water is seeping from to confirm the cause – however you must never attempt to repair a leaking gas boiler by your own, always appoint a Gas Safe registered engineer.

The most widespread cause is a busted internal hardware, such as a pressure valve or a pump seal. If the leak is coming from the pressure valve it may be a case that your boiler pressure is excessively high. If it is coming from the pump seal, it may have become worn out & require replacement.



Hearing an awkward muted sound identical to when a kettle is boiling? When sludge accumulates on your boiler’s heat exchangers you can get something known as kittling. When these deposits accumulate in your boiler system, they can limit the water flow inside the heat exchanger which can overheat the water, making it to steam.

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Kettling is more widespread in regions with hard water, but can also affect boilers in areas with soft water. Not just it make your boiler system to work harder, it also can reduce the system’s lifespan. When your boiler system is kittling, it is recommended to call a gas safe registered engineer who’ll possibly flush out your boiler to take off the accumulation of these deposits & make sure the unit is operating properly once again.

To get high quality boiler repair service in Clapham, call Boiler Repairs Plus Part.

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