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Do you have an efficient boiler which is maintained properly? If yes, it shouldn’t make noise. If it makes, it probably indicates that something is wrong. Therefore, you should consider professional boiler repair in Clapham.

In fact, a noisy boiler may work for a while. But it’s going to fail at some point of time, which may not too in distant future. The noises make the boiler change a lot. To help you out, here are a few common noises in Boiler discussed below that need immediate professional attention:


The Common Types of Noises in a Boiler –

Clunking and banging noises

When you find your boiler making any banging and clunking noises, it indicates that there’s a limestone buildup on the heat exchanger. The noises are known as kettling noises in the plumbing trade and you should consider them.


As discussed above, the noises occurring due to limestone buildup affect the water flow. If left untreated and allowed to accumulate over time, it will make a blockage that will eventually cause the water to boil, steam, and expand.

Most boilers available on the market are well-fitted with pressure relief valves. If the steam builds up inside, the relief valve will let it out and stop the boiler from exploding. In the meantime, the boiler efficiency will be impaired significantly, making damage further in the long run. Of course, you can fix this with the reliable boiler repair service in Clapham.

Whistling noises

Whistling noises can indicate kettling. They can be caused by air that is trapped in the water pipes. You can release the trapped air in a central heating system through bleeding the radiators. If the air is still trapped inside, you will need an expert for boiler repair in Clapham to move further.


Gurgling noises

Do you own a gas-fired boiler? If yes, it can make gurgling noises which is caused by trapped air. It may be due to sediment buildup or blockage. This can also indicate that the condensation pipe is frozen. You can get it fixed with a hot water bottle. Remember that, you can fix this in one condition, especially if you know what you are doing. If you don’t, you should leave the boiler repair to the pros.


Final consideration –

According to a recent research, around one in every ten boiler is not safe. So, if you do find any noises in your boiler, you should take action right away and hire the professional boiler repair service in Clapham. Don’t forget that, boiler is paramount to your needs. Therefore, you should only hire licensed boiler repair service in Clapham like Boiler Repair Plus Parts.

Whether you’re in an emergency situation or just in need of regular maintenance, all you need to do is to schedule our boiler repair in Clapham. You can get in touch with us now on 020 8278 7344 and receive a quote! Rest assured that, we’ll get back to you as soon as possible!

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